Shed some extra weight from stock stuff sacks that came with your titanium cook pot.
Made from ultralight 1.0 Dyneema fabric. The sacks are designed to hold everything in place inside your pot. Includes a round bottom.Pot Sack #1: Fits most 550ml titanium Pots
Examples: Toaks 550, Lixada 550, Usharedo 550, Bestargot 550, ROCREEK 550, Valken 550, OUTXE 550, and more
Weight 0.15 ounces or 4.5 gramsPot Sack #2: Fits most 750ml titanium pots
Examples: Toaks 750, Go far Gear 750, Lixada 750, Usharedo 750, Bestargot 750, ROCREEK, Valken 750, OUTXE 750, and more
Weight 0.16 ounces or 4.7 grams*Pot not included. Stuff sack only.
Pot Sacks for Titanium Cook Pots
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